Kumar Funeral Service

Funeral Services in Ahmedabad

End To End Funeral/Cremation Services in Ahmedabad

We have a team of professionals that will stand by your side during this difficult time and help you to make sense of it all. Kumar Funeral Services was founded with the goal of assisting families in their time of need and assisting them in completing the funeral rituals of their lost loved ones.

List of Cremation Grounds in Bangalore​, Cremation Services in Bangalore, Cremation services in Kolkata ,

Enquire the Slots of Cremation
Grounds in Ahmedabad

KUMAR FUNERAL SERVICES offer online crematorium booking services in various areas in Ahmedabad . Here’s a list of places where you may find the nearest cremation ground to you.

Ahmedabad Cremation Process

  1. After death of the deceased you need to collect doctor certificate for Natural death and in case of Unnatural death you need to collect police NOC.
  2. Online booking is compulsory for  electric crematorium Funeral Services in Ahmedabad, you need to select a particular crematorium for the Funeral Services in Ahmedabad and time slot while booking. For booking call us to 9606222446  we do online booking on your behalf. Or click here.
  3. Need to produce the certificate and photo id proof to the crematorium Manager of Ahmedabad.
  4. Ahmedabad Crematorium Manager will verify the details and he/she proceeds further.
  5. They will complete the process of burning within 1-1.5 hours later you can collect the ash.
  6. After the completion of process they will provide you the acknowledgment of death you need to produce the same to collect the death certificate
Funeral Services in Ahmedabad

Why Choose Us

  • 24 Hours -Wood Pyre and Electric Cremation Service
  • Providing hearse / hearse / ambulance transport
  • Freezer box Services.
  • Support for crematorium slot reservations
  • Experienced Pandit Services/Dasappa/Purohit for Rituals
  • Finding a burial place or crematorium at the last minute is a difficult process. We are ready to take the initiative and take on the obligations that come with it. We promise to support you at every stage of your journey, showing maximum empathy for your suffering. You will receive continuous support and guidance from our team anytime and anywhere.
  • Our cremation services  include complete burial and cremation services. You can contact us with anything from shipping to planning a Chautha / Tehravin / reception ceremony. We welcome all religions to use our services and we offer Antimusan Skull Samaguri, priests, chapels, obituaries and many others.
  • Preservative treatment of the body and support for domestic and international travel will be provided by the staff of the Kumar Funeral Service.

Additional Services

Contact Us

Affordable rates and friendly staff to assist you.

Kumar Funeral Service (24*7 available)

Mobile: 9606222446
Toll Free: 18008893340

Booking Form